
beech-barkWould you like to make a comment about the Trees in Trouble documentary, or maybe about the tree crisis? Please post your comments below:

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  1. This is a much duly needed film. Thanks.

    Many will agree that Americas’ urban forests and the individual trees within it are in trouble and under threat- but its not just from invasive alien insect species. In many parts of the country and in cities like the City of New York where individual healthy and robust street trees provide a significant service, on a daily basis those trees are allowed to be exposed to a another largely unnoticed, silent tree killer. The tree killer is totally anthropogenic in its making.

    Builders and developers under permits from the municipality are unleashed against thousands of urban tree assets that affront their properties and have been given a green light to have their way with public street trees. Absent the trained municipal foresters (or their representatives), arboricultural leadership, a close collaboration with other city agencies, and the will to implement effective state-of-the-art tree preservation strategies when it is needed (with the proper oversight) sees countless communities experiencing the equivalent of a logging operation. Tree abuse is the silent killer because a community is totally unaware of the transgressions that have occurred against the urban street tree(s) during the last new building construction project. The outcome of tree abuse occurs one tree at a time that is only noticed by the urban forester years later when the tree is in decline.

    Then the loggers come. And the decades of anticipated tree benefits, services, amenities and beautification for which those trees were initially planted are eliminated for good.

    1. Hi, the same thing is gowing on big time in the UK as well. Some local authorities have allowed large scaling removal of tress simply to reduce their costs. I have always felt there is a ration of open space and plants / trees need for each person to offset our carbon footprint. Damaging trees is very short sited and will lead to more problems in the future. I spend a lot of time restoring trees and nurturing them back to health. Our society as a whole needs to better protect our trees as they ultimately look after us.

  2. We have planted thousands of trees on our property over the last 35 years. You need to see if you could get this in the schools ( maybe in the science dept. 8th grade) The kids need to be aware of whats happening to our trees, they could do fund raisers and have fun taking days off just to plant trees! Thank you for the show it was great.

  3. Didnt seen any showings of the film on Michigan stations? Also, what are world channels? Are these different than PBS stations>?

      1. Air dates for Detroit are now available. It will be showing on WTVS 2 on Tues. April 26 at 9:30pm, Wed. April 27 at 1:30am, 9:30am, 3:30pm, and Sat. April 30 at 11:30pm.

  4. Just saw your film on WGBH/Boston and was very impressed. Thank you so much for making it.

  5. Hi. I loved the doc., very well done. I would like for my students to watch this as they study horticulture and evasive creatures are a part of that science. But what I really want to know is who are the musicians who play the lovely music at the end of the film? Please! Please post the title of the music. Again big thanks!

  6. Trees are so important and this documentary really drives that point home. It’s funny how a lot of people still aren’t aware of the direct impact that trees have on our lives. But you really nailed that aspect in this documentary.

  7. This documentary was great! I hope people see this and wake up to the problems we are facing as a species… Trees are life. Trees are love.

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